Welcome to G.D.C. Manikpur



  1. Land Area: 1.96 Hectare (4.84 Acres)
  2. Built up Area: 3400 sq.m.
  3. Play Ground: 7000 sq.m.
  4. No. of Class Room: 14
  5. No. of Laboratories: 04
  6. No. of Seminar Rooms: 01
  7. No. of Common Room: 01
  8. No. of Staff Room: 01
  9. Computer Centre: 01
  10. No. of Books in Library: 4000
  11. No of Departmental Library: 11
  12. E-Library: 01
  13. No. of Computer: 10
  14. Wifi Availability: Yes
  15. Sports Facilities: 01
  16. Indoor Games: Yes (03)
  17. Common Room for Girls: Yes
  18. Reading Room : 01
  19. Smart Class with Interactive Panel and wi-fi : 01
  20.  Gym : 01



